In South Africa we have great laws addressing our gender-based violence (GBV) problem, but we fall very short on implementation and accountability. As a result, very few of these laws help with the aftermath of rape while the body and mind try to process the devastation of sexual violence…
Teenage pregnancy during COVID-19 in South Africa: a double pandemic
May 20, 2023 | News Articles
Courtesy Pregnancies among adolescent girls remain a global problem. An estimated 21 million girls aged 15–19 years in developing countries become pregnant and about 12 million of them give birth every year. Pregnancies not only have adverse...
This is how abusive homes affect the children who grow up in them
Mar 27, 2023 | News Articles
Courtesy Cheryl Benadie, inspirational speaker and author of The Wholeness Revolution, grew up in an abusive home and understands how children who grow up in such situations are affected. She points out that girls from such households are more likely to...
Outrage after dad accused of raping daughter for 24 years, applies for protection order
Mar 25, 2023 | News Articles
Courtesy An Atlantis woman who alleged that her father had kept her as a sex slave since she was a teenager, has now been served with a protection order by her alleged abuser. Last month, the woman spoke exclusively to this newspaper about her two decade...
‘The kids will be fine’ – 5 lessons I learnt from my parents’ abusive marriage
Mar 9, 2023 | News Articles
Courtesy As a child, watching the violent and turbulent relationship between my mother and father was intense, but it taught me some important things. Among the lessons is that staying in a bad marriage is not helpful to the kids. When I got older, my...
Tears Foundation launches free platform to empower youth
Nov 30, 2022 | News Articles
Courtesy The Tears Foundation hopes to teach more of the community’s youth the importance of speaking out and taking a stand against gender-based violence and femicide in South Africa. Ahead of 16 Days of Activism (November 25 to December...
Violence Against Women – A Problem In South Africa
Jun 10, 2022 | News Articles
Violence against women has become a serious problem in South Africa and the world. Information from different countries indicates that 35% of all women have been physically or sexually abused by an intimate or non-intimate partner. While women across the globe fall...
2nd South African Gender Based Violence and Health Conference
May 10, 2022 | News Articles
The South African Gender Based Violence and Health Initiative (SAGBVHI), will be hosting this conference in Gauteng, South Africa. Conference objectives are: to share research findings and methodologies on gender based violence and health, and to debate key challenges...
Family not ready to forgive sister’s alleged killer
Sep 8, 2022 | News Articles
Johannesburg – The family of the woman, who was killed and burnt before being buried in her backyard, says they are not ready to forgive her husband who has been charged with the murder. “I am not sure if I will ever forgive him. Maybe I will forgive him one day, but...
Man allegedly kills wife, buries body in backyard
Jul 8, 2022 | News Articles
Johannesburg – A man who filed a missing person’s report on his wife after allegedly killing her will appear in the Temba Magistrate’s Court in Hammanskraal on Monday, police said. Police spokesperson Captain Kay Makhubele said the 38-year-old man confessed to burning...
TEARS Foundation does absolutely amazing work.
May 6, 2022 | News Articles
The spread of mobile technology and the internet has great potential to combat gender-based violence at a scale never before seen. But the spread of mobile technology and the internet has great potential to combat gender-based violence at a scale never before seen,...
TEARS Foundation assisted 134 436 victims of Gender-Based Violence.
Mar 8, 2022 | News Articles
The spread of mobile technology and the internet has great potential to combat gender-based violence at a scale never before seen. But the spread of mobile technology and the internet has great potential to combat gender-based violence at a scale never before seen,...